FLLS is Moving to Our New Home

FLLS Office 01162015The Finger Lakes Library System is moving into our new building on Tuesday, January 20th. Our new address is 1300 Dryden Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850, but our phone numbers are staying the same. Over the past several days and weeks we’ve been packing up our home of the last 14 years, and while that hasn’t interrupted all of our day-to-day jobs, the actual move will impact a few things.

Notably, the Polaris database that provides our member libraries with check-in and check-out service along with patron registration and the PowerPac catalog, will be unavailable on Tuesday, January 20th beginning at 6:00am. We will be moving all of our technology in the morning and our goal is to have Polaris and its services available by the end of the day.

We will also be suspending deliveries to the member libraries on Tuesday, January 20th and Wednesday, January 21st. That means that books will not be travelling among the member libraries for those days. We apologize for the inconvenience, but everything will be back to normal on Thursday.

Our telephone system will be offline beginning Tuesday morning and will not be available until Wednesday. For all of our member libraries, if you need to contact FLLS for something important, please follow the current off shift procedures and call the Computer Network Services cell phone. We can direct your call to the appropriate department and have them call you back. For our patrons, while the phones are offline we’d like to ask you to call your local library for any help or questions for the two days that we’re unavailable.

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